The show performed on September 26th at Ethical Culture Society and was a huge success!

Jeryl M. describes the show in her blog, “Says Me Says Mom,” by saying,

“The show isn’t so much the story of Nick’s life as it is about Nick’s legacy.”

“Life goes on. With or without you. You can either shut down or join in.”

– Nick Springer

Someone Is Sending A Message 

A story that deals with persistence in the face of adversity and hope.  A story that revolves around a courageous young man named Nick.

It’s also the story of an artist named Sheila, a friend of Nick’s who is at a crossroads with her art and her life.  Suddenly she receives a phone call, “Nick!   What do you mean Nick is dead?”  

This was the same Nick she spoke to two weeks ago; who she had known since he was 13; who had contracted Meningitis when he was in camp;

and despite quadruple amputations, became a Paralympic Gold Medalist, an international advocate for life, survival, vaccination

Nick did not let any obstacle get in his way.  Until now…. while swimming in a friend’s pool his heart gave out. 

Sheila turns to Facebook to learn more about what happened to Nick.  Hundreds of people have been posting messages.  Every time she tries to post one of her own, the following text is typed on her computer – ​”Someone Is Sending A Message.”   

She is so affected by his extraordinary life and his unexpected death at 35, that she begins to face the obstacles in her own life and to come to terms with the story of her brother, who also died in his 30’s.

Perhaps there is a message for her. As she stares at the screen more feelings from her past appear alongside the texts from Nick’s friends.  The two worlds overlapping as Sheila tries to make sense of her life with all its twists and turns. 

And suddenly she sees a message from Nick, “Life Goes On,” a message that encourages her to move forward.

Photo by Rob Rich/ ©2024 516-676-3939

Jeryl M. continues to describe the production by writing:

“However, ultimately it is a story of hope, courage and connection. If Nick could pack so much into his short life and affect his so many lives in such a positive way, the least the rest of us can do is live our lives to the fullest in the time we’re given and try to have a positive impact as well.”

Click here to read the full blog post