Educational Alliance, 126-year-old New York institution, is a vibrant, dynamic organization serving New Yorkers from all walks of life. From their beginnings as a place for Jewish immigants to learn how to acclimate to the U.S., they serve everyone regardless of the language they speak, where they come from, or their socioeconomic status. To date, Educational Alliance has helped 4 million New Yorkers. Driven by Jewish values and the belief that learning is a lifelong process, they strive to create problems and services that embrace innovation and build community. They have re-defined how to serve a community, offering a wide variety of engaing and educational opportunities for everyone in each stage of life. Educational Alliance is a living laboratory, piloting and investigating ways to solve problems, create a better society, and advocate for the vulnerable. They believe that everyone should have a chance to live a better life, and that arts & culture, education, health & wellness, and social services can help to lay that foundation.